Getting Rich and making movies with AI
Made by TikTok. 

Click the picture below for a full run down


"The female warrior lefts up her sword." "The female warrior switches her sword from left hand to right hand." "A boy and a girl are kissing." "A boy and a girl are kissing."
"A girl in red is covering her face with a skull." "Skull in the watercolor style. Butterflies are flying around." "A whale jumps out of water." "A whale falls back to water."

Comparisons with Other Methods

Note: Pika and Gen-2 use image and text conditions; Boximator uses additional box constraints derived from the text prompt.

Boximator Pika 1.0 Gen-2

"A cute 3D boy is standing and then walking."

"The adorable pika turns to the camera."

Look forward to $Boximator colliding with the moon!